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Vermont Democratic Party Statement on the Attempted Coup at the U.S. Capitol

VDems Team


News from the Vermont Democratic Party


MONTPELIER, VT — On this dark day in our country’s history, the Vermont Democratic Party strongly condemns a blatant attack on our democracy from the supporters of Donald Trump, who today sieged our nation’s Capitol in a forceful attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair presidential election. Today’s events were a display of domestic terrorism, plain and simple.

These attacks, as well as the events of the past four years, demonstrate that Donald Trump’s rhetoric has empowered a culture of hate and chaos that now threatens our very democracy, our safety, and our right to free and fair elections.

While the Vermont Republican Party has denounced the events of today, it does not eliminate the fact that VTGOP has been fervent in their support of Donald Trump and his actions over the past four years. Just recently, the Chittenden County Republican Party and the Essex Republican Town Committee promoted, coordinated, fundraised, and advertised a bus trip to Washington, D.C. for today’s event, and this afternoon, attendees publicly shared a video via social media of the events in real time. Vermont Republicans looked the other way while VTGOP extremists embarked on a road trip that, today, culminated in an attempted coup.

We call on Phil Scott to publicly condemn not just Donald Trump, but the leadership of the Vermont Republican Party, who have allowed this extremism to fester and grow for too long, and the many extremists within the VTGOP.

Our thoughts remain with the Congressional members and staff on Capitol Hill, especially Vermont’s federal delegation, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Peter Welch. We stand with those who are working hard to protect our democracy, and we wish for their continued safety as they continue to fight for the well-being of all Americans during the ongoing pandemic and to certify the 2020 election results.

Vermont Democratic Party Chair Bruce Olsson remarked, “Donald Trump’s continued attacks on our democracy have led to a traitorous attack today on our nation’s Capitol even as Congress works to fulfill its Constitutional responsibility and certify the legitimate election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next President and Vice President.

“We should be clear. This was an attempt to steal an election and thwart the will of over 81 million Americans, including more than 242,820 Vermonters who voted for Joe Biden. The Vermont Democratic Party denounces this attack on democracy and calls for the resignation or removal of Donald Trump.

“The work of the next four years must be the restoration of our democracy and the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems. We envision a day when respect and decency prevail again.”


CONTACT: Asha Carroll Communications Director Vermont Democratic Party

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