Vermont House Democrats
Vermont House Democrats believe in a Vermont where our families and communities can thrive and where the Vermont dream is accessible to everyone – not just a select few. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the lives of every Vermonter and presented us with an urgent need to rewrite the rules and address the inequities in our state. As we work to provide relief to Vermonters, we are creating an equitable recovery plan that leaves no one behind. Every Vermonter should have the opportunity to earn a livable wage, accessible broadband, high-quality affordable health care, childcare, and housing, a great education, and to retire with security.
The Vermont Democratic Party’s House Campaign Project is a full-time campaign within the Vermont Democratic Party structure entirely dedicated to electing and maintaining a strong Democratic majority in the Vermont House of Representatives. Led by Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski, Majority Leader Lori Houghton and the House Leadership team, the Vermont House Campaign recruits, trains, and supports candidates running for the Vermont House.